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  • Sustainable Future Coalition

Global Renewable Energy Sector Employs 12.7 Million, Driven by Solar PV Growth

The global renewable energy sector now employs 12.7 million people, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The most significant growth has been observed in the solar photovoltaic (PV) sector, particularly in Asia, which accounts for 79% of the global renewable energy workforce.

Key Drivers of Job Growth

Wind and hydropower, along with liquid biofuels, contribute significantly to the growth in renewable energy jobs. China leads in employment across most renewable energy sectors, while Brazil holds the top spot for biofuel jobs.

Impact of the Energy Crisis

The ongoing energy crisis, exacerbated by soaring prices, has made powering homes and businesses more expensive for billions of people globally. However, this crisis has also accelerated the shift towards renewable energy, as countries strive to develop more secure and sustainable power sources. This transition has positively impacted job creation in the renewable energy field, with global employment in the sector increasing by 700,000 from 2020 to 2021, reaching 12.7 million jobs, according to IRENA.

Renewable Energy Jobs Boom

The "Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2022" report, produced in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO), highlights that an increasing number of countries are generating jobs in the renewable energy sector. The report predicts that this jobs boom could elevate global employment in renewable energy to over 38 million by 2030.

Solar PV has been the largest contributor to renewable energy jobs, employing 4.3 million people. Hydropower and biofuels each provide 2.4 million jobs, while wind power employs 1.3 million people. Other sectors, such as geothermal energy, heat pumps, and ocean energy, account for the remaining job growth. According to IRENA’s data, almost two-thirds of these jobs are based in Asia. China leads with 42% of the global renewable energy jobs, followed by the EU and Brazil at 10% each, and the USA and India at 7% each.

Regional Employment Trends

Most jobs in Africa remain in the conventional energy sector, as the region currently only accounts for around 1% of the world’s installed solar PV and wind power capacity. However, the report notes growing job opportunities in decentralized renewables within the region.

In 2021, around 257 gigawatts (GW) of renewable electricity capacity were installed worldwide, expanding cumulative capacity by 9%. Solar PV and wind power represented 88% of this expansion. China installed the majority of new capacity, contributing half of the new wind power installations and 40% of solar. However, the rest of the world also added record amounts of solar and wind capacity in 2021, highlighting a global trend towards renewable energy adoption.


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