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  • Sustainable Future Coalition

The Vital Role of Clean Energy in America's Future

Clean energy is crucial for enhancing economic growth, supporting energy independence, and improving the health and well-being of Americans. As the global community grapples with climate change, the shift to clean energy is not only an environmental imperative but also an economic opportunity.

Renewable energy

By investing in renewable energy sources, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create millions of jobs, and secure a sustainable future for generations to come. Clean energy technologies also promote energy security by reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels, thereby enhancing national security and economic stability.

What Is Clean Energy?

Renewable energy resources provide an affordable, reliable, and sustainable power supply for the U.S. while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By harnessing abundant domestic resources such as wind, solar, bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, and marine energy, we can decrease our reliance on fossil fuels.

Currently, about 20% of all U.S. electricity comes from renewable energy sources, with 60% still derived from fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, and natural gas, and the remainder from nuclear energy.

Why Do We Need Clean Energy?

Renewable power is not only cost-competitive but also the most cost-effective source of energy in many scenarios, depending on location and season. However, achieving the U.S. climate goal of 100% carbon-pollution-free electricity by 2035 requires further advancements in technology and improvements in the nation's electric system.

Clean energy also plays a pivotal role in public health by reducing pollution from traditional energy sources, which contributes to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the economic benefits are substantial, as the clean energy sector drives innovation, attracts investment, and generates high-quality jobs.


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